Your gift makes a difference

Here are just a few ways that the Gift of Life America Fund has contributed to the treatment and care of many children and their families.

$136,954.00 - Therapy for autistic children

$170,000.00 - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner for Foster Care Program

$126,928.00 - Co Sponsorship for Heart Screenings for freshman class at Waldwick, Wallington and Paramus H. S.

$81,486.00 - Summer camp for autistic children

$75,000.00 - COVID 19 Rapid Tests for Emergency Response Progam

$68,070.00 - Provide Carseats, Cribs, Strollers to over 275 disadvantages families

$35,692.00 - Seats, electric wheelchairs, lifts and medical supplies for disabled children

$33,501.92 - Provide for special childrens needs

$22,326.00 - Orthodontics for autistic children

$19,435.00 - To fund camps for foster children

$34,306.00 - Holiday gifts for foster children

$10,000.00 - October Foundation

$13,328.00 - Speech therapy and equipment disabled children

$9,212.00 - Covid 19 Protection - PPE

$5,000.00 - Swingset for Special Needs Family

$2,747.07 - Home Therapeutic Play Space for Special Needs Family

$4,000.00 - Foster Group Home- Children’s Haven

$4,000.00 - Cranial Caps for premature children

$3,800.00 - Braces for a CAFS foster child

$3,300.00 -Feeding Tube supplies

$3,066.01 - Sock Donation to Area Charitable Organizations

$3,000.00 - Montclair State University- Children’s Center: Tuition for autistic girl

$2,035.00 - To Cover Medical for child with WAGR syndrome

$2,000.00 - Sponsorship of children’s health ID cards

$1,000.00 - Special Needs Awareness - YMCA

Total Since Inception: $870,187.00