The Gift of Life America Fund, Inc. gave my family a check for $5,000. They also worked with us to find doctors and other medical services willing to offer free or reduced rate care to our daughter. We are all so grateful. This support has been a huge and welcome relief.
— Paula Paladino

Dear GOLA, The family would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your generous gift to allow our daughter to continue attending Pony Power Therapies. Our daughter loves going and even though she in non-verbal she laughs and is able to follow commands. Thank you so much!
— The D’Amico Family

Our 2-year old son was born with chromosome #7 deletion which caused him to have a motor skills delay. His doctor requested that he use a tricycle to assist with coordination, balance, and motor skills development. He is thoroughly enjoying his new “toy” as he continues to improve his motor skills!
— The Ruiz Family